A lone green tree standing in a yellow field with birds flying in the background on a clear day


Aiguines, France
A lone green tree standing in a yellow field with birds flying in the background on a clear day
Captured on


f / 13.0
Shutter Speed
1/60 second
Focal Length
Lens Used

Sigma 14-24mm

Edited with

Lightroom CC


Starting at $49
A lone green tree standing in a yellow field with birds flying in the background on a clear day
A lone green tree standing in a yellow field with birds flying in the background on a clear day

Aiguines, France

The Story

Behind the Shot

In the midst of an expansive field, a lone tree stood as a solitary sentinel, reaching towards the sky with graceful branches. With my camera poised, I approached this emblem of resilience and solitude, ready to capture its essence. The gentle breeze whispered through the grass, as sunlight bathed the scene in a soft, golden glow. I carefully framed the shot, ensuring that the tree commanded the attention it deserved against the vastness of the field. Each click of the shutter sought to immortalize the tree's majestic presence, its branches stretching outward as if embracing the open sky.

The photograph became a visual homage to the beauty of simplicity and the power of solitude. It served as a reminder that even in the vastness of the world, there can be moments of stillness and reflection, symbolized by the lone tree in the middle of the field. The image invites viewers to appreciate the resilience of nature and find solace in the tranquil beauty that can be found in the simplest of landscapes.

Captured on
July 9, 2019

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